Let’s work together to build a strong,
sustainable future for Maine

About me

I grew up in a town that was a lot like Kennebunk. It has changed a lot, not entirely for the better. I want to serve in the legislature so I can help Kennebunk and Maine navigate the changes that we can’t stop - but that we can shape - so that we maintain the qualities that make life here so special.

I’ve spent my entire career helping students and professionals build rewarding careers in science and engineering, mostly as a book publisher but more recently as a consultant. That’s why I value education above all, and why I see such great potential for building a more robust economy that enables every Mainer to thrive.

Check out Ballotpedia for more about my background and where I stand on issues.


  • Outdoor Spaces icon


    I support public/private collaboration to spur growth of high-wage industries like clean energy, smart manufacturing and other technologies.

  • graduation


    All Maine students deserve a public education that prepares them for the future, and affordable post-secondary pathways to rewarding careers and informed citizenship.

  • Environment


    Love of Maine’s landscapes and ecosystems unites us. We need both long-term strategies and immediate action to mitigate climate change to protect our land, air, and waters and the livelihoods that depend on them.

  • healthcare icon


    I will work to ensure all Mainers have access to affordable, quality healthcare, which includes reproductive healthcare and abortion.

  • Custom Additions icon


    I will work to support development of more affordable housing for rental and ownership, and control the conversion of neighborhood housing to short-term rentals.

  • Personal Freedom

    Our rights are under attack at the national level, making it essential that in Maine we protect the right of individuals, not the government, to choose whom we marry and to make our own decisions about our bodies.

  • Clean Elections

    As a Clean Elections candidate, I receive no money from PACs, corporations, or special interests. If you would like to contribute to my campaign, please click CONTRIBUTE below to access the Clean Elections site.
